Why Start a Mobile Jiu Jitsu Business?

Why Start a Mobile Jiu Jitsu Business?

mobile jiu jitsu business-SCMJJ

Join the Evolution of BJJ Instruction

The answer to this question lies in your business model. If you are a black belt who wants to charge anywhere from $134-$189 per month per student, your best bet is to find a local strip mall with a garage and retrofit it with mats. If you are a black belt who wants to charge $134-$189 PER SESSION or MORE, read on.

Private jiu jitsu instruction at a local dojo with a certified black belt will cost between $100-$150/hour. This is a reasonable price as a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is widely recognized as a PhD in martial arts. Doctors make way more than $150/hour, so why can’t you? You can. There is a demographic of working professional men who religiously listen to Jocko, Joe Rogan, and Jordan Peterson, whom I affectionately call, “The 3 Jo’s.” These pillars in the masculine community espouse the extraordinary benefits of jiu jitsu and submission grappling. Submission grappling is ‘no gi,’ and the fighter uniform is shorts or spats and a rash guard or no top. 

These famous podcasters are responsible for creating a demographic of men whom I call ‘Wilsons.’ They are middle-aged working or retired professionals, peering over the fence, participating in the jiu jitsu conversation but not actually rolling. They hear about the outstanding benefits of training jiu jitsu straight from the mouths of outstanding humans. They begin to believe that these benefits are true, and that they can benefit them. Yet…they work 70 hours a week and coach both their childrens’ baseball teams. Getting to the nearest dojo’s adult class, which happens to be 17 minutes in the other direction from home, starts at 6 or 7 pm and there is no way they are making that time and fulfilling familial obligations. 

They also have no desire to get ragdolled by 19-year old ‘little Timmy,’ who they saw crap his pants ten years ago at a kid’s birthday party and now is in between wrestling seasons at Penn St. 

Ya, no thanks. 

This is where you come in. You are the owner-operator of the first business of its kind in your area. You are a mobile jiu jitsu limited liability company. You provide elite black belt jiu jitsu instruction to elite men in the comfort of their own home. You satisfy a need that these professionals have, which is a trained martial arts master who is not going to break them. You are a servant-instructor who listens to his students and provides top-notch personal instruction in the most private setting there is, their own home. 

Bringing the Solution to a Common Problem

Professional working men do not have the time to make it to class 3-4 times a week. Their bodies won’t allow it, either. Their personal responsibilities certainly come higher on the priority list than a sweaty pajama party with other men. They also have no desire to get ragdolled by 19-year old ‘little Timmy,’ who they saw crap his pants ten years ago at a kid’s birthday party and now is in between wrestling seasons at Penn St. 

Ya, no thanks. 

You literally bring the dojo to them. You have easily portable mats that two people can comfortably maneuver on. You have mat tape. You have bleach wipes and clean fresh towels for the mat wipe-down afterwards (mobile jiu jitsu does not clean with those ‘disgusting MRSA-mops’ that only create ‘ringworm-rolls’). You have a fresh, clean new Origin gi (materials sourced and made in America!) and are showered and presentable with pleasant body odor and breath (no 4:20 before, brah), Your nails are trim and your smile is kind and wide. You are effectively teaching a demographic of men who want to train jiu jitsu but simply could not make it happen due to their professional and personal lives. You are elevating jiu jitsu to another level by bringing in these ‘Wilsons’ and making them rollers. This sounds cheesy, but you are making the world a better place. 

We both know the life-changing benefits of jiu jitsu. It is the supreme martial art, as proven in combat. Jiu jitsu is a life philosophy. When life has you full of extraordinary highs and extraordinary lows, we know to latch onto jiu jitsu. Jiu jitsu is constant. Jiu jitsu is the steady flame that draws people in with its warmth. Those highs and lows begin to level out a little more, class by class, roll by roll. Your mind calms down, your waistline reduces, and your confidence increases. 

When you roll, that off-hand comment from your supervisor does not exist. When you roll, local and federal politics do not exist. When you roll, you are challenging your personal lethality against another’s; his will just happens to be choking you unconscious or breaking a limb. You have no time to think about the passive aggressive text your significant other sent you earlier in the day. All you have is your will to kill or be killed. Thank goodness it is considered honorable to ‘tap’ (we want our training partners to come back!).

Franchise with SCMJJ

Opening a mobile jiu jitsu business is a unique and innovative way to express our love for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to the world. Jiu jitsu is a gift, and sharing a gift is noble. Skip the thousands of dollars in financial overhead to be locked into only one training location and email me at michael@spacecoastmobilejiujitsu.com or call or text me at 321-477-4504. Together, we can reach a vast pool of men that currently want to learn jiu jitsu but cannot justify the time and potential bodily harm. With my help, you can launch the first mobile jiu jitsu business in your state and make you a pioneer in your community, exclusive and elite. Let Space Coast Mobile Jiu Jitsu be your guiding light as you lift-off into your new jiu jitsu destiny!

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